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Web players for ScreenPressor
Have a screencast and tired of bad video quality of youtube and other video sharing sites? Have some screen recordings that should only be available inside the company and not be uploaded to public sites? Now you can post lossless screencasts on your own site using ScreenPressor's in-browser web player.

Live samples:
Just video Video + sound
Open Open
Ordinary HTML5 and Flash video players (used at virtually all video sharing sites) use browser's and Flash's built-in video codecs - a very limited choice - and so cannot offer lossless video with reasonable bitrate. One has to either bear with quality loss or use lossy codecs with very high bitrate, increasing traffic costs and bandwith requirements.

Web player for ScreenPressor does not use browser's codecs and instead simply implements ScreenPressor decoder. It's efficient, flexible and it's free. You don't need any video streaming server, any ordinary web server is fine. You can easily customize player's look and control it via JavaScript: play, pause, seek, load another file, resize the window.

Two variants of ScreenPressor web player are available:

Pure JavaScript version:
  • New: supports videos made with ScreenPressor 2, 3, and 4.
  • Larger in size (0.8 MB).
  • Works in all modern browsers, but sound not available in Internet Explorer.
  • No plugins required.
Flash-based version:
  • Old, supports videos made with ScreenPressor 2.
  • Small size (30 KB).
  • Works the same in all browsers
  • Requires Adobe Flash plugin

How to use the JavaScript-based web player for ScreenPressor

Source code in Haxe programming language using OpenFL framework is available on Github.

Just decoder without UI

The JS version above contains a lot of UI elements and logic, but in case you need just a video decoder to integrate with your web application, there is one too. Just 30 KB.
A little demo.
Archive with code and description.

Extended version of the web player

The version described above is rather simple. It doesn't require any video streaming server, you just need a simple web server capable of serving static content. It loads video file with a HTTP GET request and reads it entirely into memory. So it can be used for not so large files (less than a gigabyte or better half a gigabyte). For those wishing to play in a browser large files we've got another version of the web player. It only loads up to specified amount of megabytes and doesn't try to keep entire file in memory. It does so by requesting parts of video file using HTTP POST requests of a certain form. On the server side there must be a script which understands those requests and sends required data chunks. It's really simple, for example a Ruby implementation of such server is just a few lines of code.

If you're interested in this version of the player, please contact us.