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Video Enhancer filters
Select a category to see descriptions and download links of plugins for Video Enhancer.

To use these filters in Video Enhancer download them and unpack .vdf files to "plugins" subfolder in the Video Enhancer folder.

Note: you can download 20 popular filters in one easy-to-use installer called VirtualDub Filter Pack and avoid manual filters installation.
Download Filter Pack now! 1.07 MB.

Category: # of filters:
Change brightness of video, apply auto-levels or remove flickering. 14
Remove different kinds of noise from your video. Dust, scratches, blocking, VHS artifacts, etc. 51
Change color balance of your video, apply color effects and transformations, convert colorspaces, perform histogram equalization, gamma correction etc. 51
Convert interlaced video to progressive or manipulate fields. 30
Sharpen your video, make it less blurry. 6
Add or remove subtitles and logos. 8
Apply different visual effects like turning movie into a cartoon or into an old film, pixellate, cycle hue, add noise etc. 34
Overlay images, data or other content over your video. 8
Filters for complex processing like stabilization, mosaic, blur, face pixellation, color channel manipulations etc. 19
Analyze motion, noise and other features of your video. 5